Monday, November 28, 2011

This is what inspiration looks like. Or else it's faulty photo lighting. Nah, I'm going with inspiration. It's more...inspiring. 
In my writing class, I realized that inspiration can come any time, any place. All we have to do is tune in. It works for anyone as soon as that "one" simply decides to pay attention and note anything interesting in their life, from the appearance of a jicama root in the produce aisle to a child bouncing a ball across the street. In fact, by paying attention in the past month, I've avoided running over a cockatiel and a tiny kitten on the road in front of my house. (On different days, mind you... the kitten wasn't going to eat the cockatiel. For one thing, the bird was bigger than the feline!) So practice this method, and you'll get better at it... as I improved my braking skills... by simply paying attention, asking yourself "what if?" and looking a little closer. Believe me, ideas will pop up like eggs. Yes, eggs. Did you notice what my inspiration guy statue is holding?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pink Bananas

I do not do the shopping, so I was surprised to find these strange bananas (the ones on the left, unless you think all bananas appear strange) sitting on the counter one day. It turns out they were pink bananas. Yes, pink, although they look kind of brownish. (Chocolate bananas, anyone?) Even when peeled, they had a pinkish tint. (See comparison to more familiar yellow bananas beside them.) They taste a little sweeter, a little squishier, but maybe that's because they were pulled from the discount bin and were on their last legs. (Do bananas have legs?) 
So, lesson in imagination, if there can be pink bananas, don't you think there can be any imaginative element you'd like to create in a story that you want to write?

Monday, November 7, 2011

News of the Weird - Killer Pencils

The girl claimed to sit right next to a boy who dropped off to sleep at his desk while holding a pencil upright. According to her eyewitness report, his head fell forward in slumber and he accidentally stabbed himself to death with the pencil.
I hope he was having a good dream when it happened...if it happened.
I think that girl must be related to the guy who claimed to see a person with matted green hair and glowing red eyes in the basement of the Art Center. Those are the kind of friends you want around on Halloween.
Who are your friends, and why do you like them?